Home Kitchen Fire in Woodlake
By Department Chief Mike Cameron
March 13, 2024

CPFR recently responded to a kitchen fire in the Woodlake Community, fortunately the fire was contained to the kitchen and the area around the stove. Unfortunately, the homeowner sustained minor burns.

Cooking is the leading cause of home fires and home fire injuries in the United States. In 2021, fire departments in the United States responded to an estimated 170,000 home cooking fires. These fires caused an estimated 135 deaths, 3,000 injuries and over $494 million in property loss.

Below are some cooking safety tips:
Stay in the kitchen and watch what you are cooking. Turn off the burner if you leave or see any smoke or boiling grease.
Keep flammable items and loose clothing away from the stovetop and open flame.
Use a timer and check your food regularly if you are baking or roasting.
Keep a pan lid or baking sheet nearby to put out grease fires. Never use water.
Install and test smoke alarms near your kitchen and sleeping areas.
Stay alert and avoid alcohol or drugs that can make you sleepy.

Follow these tips and Be Safe!